
You’ve Got This Mom!

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Do you question your every decision Mom? Do you feel almost paralyzed to make even the most basic choices for your children for fear of making the wrong one?

I want to encourage you today to STOP IT!  You are their mother. God blessed you with your child and you can do this! Trust your gut, that intuition I believe women are given to do the things they need to do to care for their families.

Does this mean you will make mistakes? Yes, sometimes.

Does this mean you should not seek the wisdom of older moms and the advice of your pediatrician? No, they can still help you with the really hard stuff.

I am talking about how so many millennial mothers feel inadequate to be mothers. Listen, no first-time mom has ever been fully prepared to be a mother. Even if your mother or grandmother acts like they were, they weren’t.  Even if you are the most well-read, firstborn, experienced former baby sitter you still cannot fully prepare for motherhood.


Because parenting is a practice.

No two babies are alike. No two families are alike. You have to learn as you go what works for your child and your family. If you strive to have healthy children in mind, body, and soul, then your practice will be just perfect for your child.

Just put on your big girl panties mom and step out in confidence. YOU are the Mom and You’ve Got This!