Mothers Who Raise Children from Another Mother

If you knew then what you know now, would you still have done it?   A church friend posed this to me about a year ago.  She was referring to our experience in taking in two homeless boys in the summer of 2013.  I cannot recall now what was going on at the time with...

Spinning Plates

One year at Christmas my parents gave my brother’s family and mine one of the greatest gifts ever.  They told us that they were going to spend some of our inheritance while we they were still alive and were taking us all to Branson for a family vacation.  This...

My Neighborhood Chore Stalker

My neighbor was stalking me.  I was walking back from our communal mailbox and I thought she was just positioning her Suburban to pick up her mail, but instead she was slowly following right behind me and I was oblivious, flipping thru the stack of mail in my hands...

Welcome to my blog!

Okay, so here I go.  I am officially entering the blogging world. I am jumping in, feet first. Like the way I prefer to get in the cool water of the swimming pool.  Just get in and feel the initial shock and then tread or swim quickly to warm up and then bask in the...