Patience-Tools for a Mother’s Toolbox, Part 1

Patience-Tools for a Mother’s Toolbox, Part 1

The old adage, if you want to grow in patience, don’t pray for it because you will be given ample opportunities to build it. The same could be said for parenting. As a mother, you will need to pack your patience, and you will have a lifetime of experiences to...
Four Benefits Of Regular Church Attendance

Four Benefits Of Regular Church Attendance

In my last post I gave you tips on how to achieve a regular church attendance habit. Today I want to give you four benefits of regular church attendance. Consistent attendace is the only way you will become a part of the community at your church and isn’t this...
5 Tips to Help Get Your Family Out the Door to Church

5 Tips to Help Get Your Family Out the Door to Church

Have you been thinking about going back to church? Maybe you are going to try regularly attending a local worship service for the first time since you became a parent. Maybe you didn’t grow up in a family who did church. Or perhaps you did and now you are trying to...
Does Your Soul Need Minimalism? Part 4 in a Series

Does Your Soul Need Minimalism? Part 4 in a Series

I have been writing about Affluenza in the past three posts (first post here) and in this final post on the series I want us to consider if it is possible that Affluenza has infected our souls? Affluenza: “a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of...
How Should I Talk to My Child About Death?

How Should I Talk to My Child About Death?

  When loved ones die, we sometimes struggle how to explain death to our children. Currently, with the passing of President George H. W. Bush, it is hard for our children not to hear about his death. I believe we should not completely shelter our children from...
Why Do We Keep Having Mass Killings?

Why Do We Keep Having Mass Killings?

I believe the root of all killings is the degradation of life in general. We have told our children that “Bang!”  We just landed here, or we descended from apes.  Or we are just here to enjoy life to its fullest, and “the one with most toys, when...