Your Partner in the

Practice of Parenting

Doctors do it.

Lawyers do it.

Even Engineers and Architects often do.

They all set up the workplace and their career as a “practice.”

So what does practice mean in this sense? Are they just practicing on me like someone who hasn’t perfected their skills?

Well, yes, sort of.  A very old definition of practice says, “to perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency.”

So all these professions call their work practice because they pursue and engage in a continuous exercise of their craft. They also have aspects of their professions that change over time as science, experience, and culture produce new information.

This is how I view parenting. With each child, you are presented with new challenges and a different learning style and love language and personality. As your children age the culture shifts from the era you were raised in.

In addition, valid research emerges warning of us of physical or psychological implications for our child. As a parent, we have much to process, much to learn.

Parenting is a practice.

There are no perfect parents. I am not. Therefore, I am not an expert, but I would love to be your mentor.  I am very experienced with over thirty years of parenting, and am a somewhat logical, common sense kind of person. I am extremely enthusiastic about the role of mothers in the lives of their children. I am here to help you in your motherhood practice because mothering does matter. You are not alone in your practice.


Six Things to Try When Your Toddler Stops Sleeping

So your toddler who has slept through the night for more than a year is now waking up at three every morning. You are exhausted. The whole family is walking zombies. What happened? You thought you had succeeded at one parenting goal: sleeping through the night, check....

You’ve Got This Mom!

Do you question your every decision Mom? Do you feel almost paralyzed to make even the most basic choices for your children for fear of making the wrong one? I want to encourage you today to STOP IT!  You are their mother. God blessed you with your child and you can...

Do The Next Thing

When I was a young mother isolated and overwhelmed on a farm in the western plains of Kansas, I remember being blessed by the voice of Elisabeth Elliot and her admonition to "do the next thing". It sounds so simple, and certainly she isn't the only one who has said it...

--Joshua Becker

Don’t raise your kids to have more than you had,

raise them to be more than you were.

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